1·The steel plate and pipe network infrastructure, but they should pay attention to the Ministry of negative reinforcement plate to prevent fall into.
2·Objective to investigate the ability of balance in the elderly with stroke and fall, and to advice corresponding nursing procedure so as to prevent fall and guarantee patient safety.
3·Could you hire someone to come in and help him for a few hours each day, or could adjustments in the house help prevent another fall?
4·If copper prices continue to fall, those borrowers will have to sell their copper on the market to prevent further losses, resulting in still-lower prices.
5·It will then fall to Mr Draghi to prevent the euro mess from spiralling downwards again. That will require bold, and controversial, actions very soon.
6·Joint intervention in exchange markets should prevent or reverse any significant further fall in the euro.
7·Even taken at face value, collectively the Cancun pledges fall well short of the level of effort necessary to prevent the worst impacts of global warming.
8·What to do: as soon as you notice this happening, take steps to prevent it from becoming habitual. (Naturally, worrying that you won't be able to fall back asleep makes it harder to sleep.)
9·But the audience for online video is young and growing, the barriers that prevent people from piping it into their televisions are likely to fall and the broadcast networks are quickly moving online.
10·That could prevent inflation but make unemployment worse, in turn leading more people to fall behind on their mortgages, hurting the housing market and causing a new round of losses at Banks.